Research Article

The Role of Free Trade Zones in Activating Sources of Income in Iraq


  • Ziad Sabah Ali University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Sabah Nima Ali University of Baghdad, Iraq


Many countries, including the Arab countries, have sought to establish the free zones because of their important economic importance to diversify financial income, especially in rentier countries, in light of the trend towards the capitalist economy in light of what has been produced by economic globalization, in addition to that many Arab countries have turned towards establishing the free zones that many countries of the world have turned to, to support their economy, especially in the field of attracting foreign investments for these regions, and using them in transferring modern technology, and operating the national workers of the countries that have established those areas, and adopting their products in meeting the needs of the local market, where the idea of ​​creating has been established Free zones as a tool for development by allocating specific sites in which various special laws and systems are applied and characterized by exemptions and facilities that qualify them to be investment attractions to develop export industries and international trade exchanges.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (3)





How to Cite

Ali, Z. S., & Ali, S. N. (2022). The Role of Free Trade Zones in Activating Sources of Income in Iraq. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 4(3), 68–79.



Free zones, E Introduction