Research Article

Can Expression and Formation of Adolescents' National Identity be Predetermined by the Gender?



The article aims to identify whether the expression of senior adolescents’ national identity at the cognitive, emotional and connotative levels, as well as its formation, is dependent on gender. Seeking to reveal the possible influence of gender on the national identity, the significance of the contemporary social gender theory, when gender depends on the subjective choice of an individual, as well as the relevance of theories that do not question biological, psychological, and social gender differences, are highlighted. The data obtained during the conducted research allow stating that the expression of the national identity of adolescents differs between the genders at the cognitive, emotional, and connotative levels, and the factors that contribute to building up of the national identity to a large extent do not differ from one gender to the other.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (3)





How to Cite

Juskeviciene, A. (2022). Can Expression and Formation of Adolescents’ National Identity be Predetermined by the Gender?. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 4(3), 124–129.



National identity, adolescents, gender differences, gender uniformity, cognitive level, emotional level, connotative level