Research Article

Family Kinship and its Impact on Age and Livelihood Based on the Sunnah of the Prophet


  • Eman Abdel Aziz Al-Sayed Foda Assistant Professor of Hadith and its Sciences, Faculty of Science and Arts, Mahayel Asir, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia


Kinship ties is not only amongst the greatest acts of worship and obedience, but it is also a permanent and indefinite duty, and severing ties of kinship is a major sin, and it means Kindness to the relatives by doing whatever achieve the relation as much as possible by Al-Wasil, whether by money, visiting, or by asking about them, or with the participation in their events, to other licit relation, and the research has dealt with the extent of the Prophet's Sunnah interest of Kinship ties and its impact on longevity and extension in sustenance. This appears in many Hadeeths, and through this study the researcher reached many of the following conclusions and recommendations: that Kinship ties is an obligation and severing it is a major sin and that it has degrees, some are higher than others, and the lowest is achieved by leaving abandonment, the more the relationship is confirmed, and its attachment, and that Kinship ties prolong life and expand in the sustenance, whether this increase is real or a moral increase, and Kinship ties has many virtues, and many impacts on the individual and society, and the one who break it, His punishment is severe in this world and the Hereafter.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (1)





How to Cite

Foda, E. A. A. A.-S. (2023). Family Kinship and its Impact on Age and Livelihood Based on the Sunnah of the Prophet. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(1), 121-133.







Family kinship- Age- Livelihood- The Sunnah of the Prophet