Article contents
Family Social Environment as a Predictor of Orderly Behavior of Correctional Students
In the life cycle, from birth, humans are very dependent on the family environment because, at this time, the quality of life of a child is directly shaped and influenced by the care, support, stimulation, and education received from family members. Based on the data obtained, many cases of children occur in Indonesia and cause them to be held accountable before the law[ Novrianza I et al., 2022]. The cases he also experienced varied, ranging from mild to moderate to severe cases. Based on this, the family social environment is considered to be a factor causing criminal acts committed by children[ Keliat et al.,2019]. Therefore, the author tries to examine the description of the family social environment in students of child protection crimes with a research locus at the Maros Class II Special Child Development Institute. The research method used is a qualitative approach that focuses on what is in the field objectively without any manipulation. The results of this study show that a picture of the family environment (family social environment) in students of child protection crimes at the Maros class II special child development institution. There were 6 respondents with family type Achievement Orientation, 10 respondents with family type Moral Religious Orientation, 2 respondents with Intellectual Cultural Oriented Families family type, and 2 respondents with Conflict Oriented Families family type[ Matos-Melo et al., 2018]. These results show that the social environment of the child's family with criminal protection leads to Moral Religious Orientation which is contrary to personality theory, where Moral Religious Orientation certainly describes an individual with positive attitudes and behaviors, but nevertheless, some influences that make a child able to carry out these negative behaviors include internalization of a child that is not appropriate, especially in terms of moral absorption[Remmers T et al., 2014]. Norms and rules that apply in the family social environment, several factors that become challenges and obstacles in the formation of a family environment, namely adolescence which makes absorption of moral values, ethics and norms that must be considered, parental education that makes the basis of the mindset in the formation of children's character, family financial conditions in meeting children's needs, the large number of members in the family presents a challenge in dividing needs Whether it's financial or affectionate[ Hu et al., 2022]. The importance of the role of parents in supervising the environment around children and being an example for and being an example for child and the role of correctional officers in LPKA must prioritize the relationship between parents and children in the implementation of coaching.
Article information
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies
Volume (Issue)
5 (4)
Copyright (c) 2023 Iman Santoso
Open access

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