Research Article

Depiction of the Persecution of Ethnic Germans in Romania: A Critical Study of the Novel The Hunger Angel


  • Wahid Pervez M. Phil (Scholar) University of Sindh Jamshoro, Pakistan
  • Mukesh Thakur JST Himayatul Islam Boys High School, Hyderabad, Pakistan
  • M.K Sangi University of Sindh Jamshoro, Pakistan


The present paper is the study of the conditions of Romanian Germans who were enslaved by Russia for five years after the WW II to rebuild all destroyed territories in war by Germany. Romania allied Germany in WW II therefore Russia took revenge of the loss made by them. The study critically analyses the life of captured Germans in the camps of Soviet Union. The age group of the prisoners was 17-45 years for men and 18-30 years for women. Almost seventy thousand people were deported out of which thirty thousand had lost their life because of hunger, labor, punishments and ill health. The paper has focused on the geographical condition where Germans were deported. Moreover, it describes the nature of works tasked to the laborers according to their health. The research has also highlighted the portrayal of the barter system of the hungry workers. How Russians were treated, what type of food was provided to them, how they lived there for five years in such worst condition? Furthermore, the study discusses the effects of labor camps that also haunted the people even after their release. How the life in the camps had badly affected the manners and living style and way of thinking of the people are the naked truth and is the integral part of this manuscript.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (4)





How to Cite

Pervez, W. ., Thakur, M. ., & Sangi, M. . (2019). Depiction of the Persecution of Ethnic Germans in Romania: A Critical Study of the Novel The Hunger Angel. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 1(4), 119-125.







Persecution, Germans, Romania, The Hunger Angel