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The Current State and Future of eLearning in Educational Institutions in Cameroon: A Case Study of the City of Yaounde
The development and use of ICTs and the internet has changed the way things are done in the world forever. The way of acquiring knowledge, through e-learning, is one of the significant changes. This study investigates the current status and future of e-learning strategy in educational institutions in Cameroon. The study adopts a case study approach. The sample consists of eight (8) educational institutions - four tertiary and four secondary. The findings have revealed the range of problems encountered in the integration of e-learning in schools and the strategies that could be adopted to improve e-learning in educational institutions. The most used e-learning platforms in schools are: Claroline in secondary schools; and Moodle, Coursera, and EdX (mostly MOOCs - Open Online Courses), in higher education institutions. It was concluded that all is not well with e-learning in the sampled institutions as the incorporation of the learning strategy in these institutions is yet to fully take root; and this might also give an indication of the current situation of e-learning in the country as a whole; especially considering the fact that all the schools studied are in the capital.