Research Article

Analysis of Prisoner Resistance in Class II A Correctional Purwokerto


  • Odi Jarodi Correctional Management, Polytechnic of Correctional Sciences, Indonesia


The aim of this study is to identify and describe the forms of resistance carried out by convicts in Class IIA Correctional Purwokerto. This research is qualitative research, and its analysis is descriptive. Data collection techniques using interview techniques were conducted on informants who had the characteristics of convicts who had served a minimum of one year's sentence, tamping or workers, 9 people and Correctional Officers including the Head of the Correctional Security Unit, Security and Order Officers. 5 person observations were also made to observe behavior, developments, and other things related to prisoner resistance. Based on the results of the research conducted, the resistance exercised by inmates at Class IIA Correctional Purwokerto is a way of adapting patterns in living life in prison which is full of limitations and pain. The resistance carried out by Correctional Purwokerto inmates is open resistance and closed resistance. Where this open resistance is a way to fight the rules that restrain convicts as well as open resistance efforts against the policy, this form of open resistance is synonymous with riots, attacks on officers, individual and group protests, “lobi-lobi 86”, and not following coaching, even by lying and withdrawing respect, and this shows a pattern of adaptation to ritualism, innovation, as well as rebillion. As for the closed resistance carried out by convicts, it tends to be in the form of clandestine deviations. Forms of closed resistance include smuggling of prohibited items, both drugs and cellphones, hiding prohibited items, attempts to escape, laziness, stealing, refusal of food rations and even sexual deviation. This shows an adaptation pattern of innovation, retreatism, and ritualism.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (5)





How to Cite

Jarodi, O. (2023). Analysis of Prisoner Resistance in Class II A Correctional Purwokerto. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(5), 01-06.







Resistence, Prisoner,, Correctional,, Adaptation Pattern